Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Scholary Research Analysis Protocol

Describe the academic structure of the article:
How do you know this is an academic article?  Create a bulleted list of 5-8 structural features that separate this article from a popular culture article.  

  • There is an abstract which summarizes the content of the article
  • There is an introduction which explains why the article is relevant
  • There is a literature review which summarizes the research that has been done on this topic in the past
  • The discussion section explains the result of the research and the meaning of the article’s results
  • There is a reference section which includes 26 credible sources

Identify the specialized vocabulary:

Jargon is the specialized vocabulary of a particular subject area.  Create a bulleted list of 5-8 items of jargon that are used in this text. Define each in your own words
  • Literacy- Fluent readers and writers, including skills such as comprehension, decoding, predicting, etc.
  • Best Practices - Teaching by using research supported strategies
  • Differentiated- Teach with modifications so that you can reach all learners
  • Implementation- Adjusting your plans and modifying instruction as needed
  • Efficacious - Teacher efficacy is teaching students effectively so that they reach learning goals

Cull out the argument statement:
In an academic article, the main idea statement is called an argument statement.  What is the argument statement of this text?  Copy and paste the author’s argument statement, using correct APA citation form and framing them with quotation marks.

“Teachers need explicit, direct instruction in literacy, and opportunities to work collaboratively with peers to implement evidence-based strategies” (Baird, Jackson, Veenstra, Sadek, & Thibault, 2016).

Pinpoint statements of support:
What are five statements that the author uses to support her/ his argument statement? Include only direct excerpts, using correct APA citation form and framing them with quotation marks.

“Teacher collaboration and co-teaching are effective means of refining literacy instruction (Fenty & McDuffy, 2012). Teachers can help develop high-quality instruction that reaches the needs of all learners by providing struggling readers with literacy support in the classroom and by collaboratively planning lessons”  (Baird, Jackson, Veenstra, Sadek, & Thibault, 2016).

“Learning coaches and collaboration help provide teachers with effective skills and strategies to improve their instructional practice across all grades and content areas”  (Baird, Jackson, Veenstra, Sadek, & Thibault, 2016).

“Our findings suggest that professional development and collaborative learning communities are keys to building teacher efficacy”  (Baird, Jackson, Veenstra, Sadek, & Thibault, 2016).

“Researchers concur that evidence-based, high-quality classroom instruction is key to helping students develop literacy skills”  (Baird, Jackson, Veenstra, Sadek, & Thibault, 2016).

“Intensive, structured, whole-class reading instruction plays a key role in the development of student literacy skills (Savage, 2006)”  (Baird, Jackson, Veenstra, Sadek, & Thibault, 2016).

Indicate value statements:

Each author approaches a topic with a particular set of values or views. After completing your reading, make a list of 3 values or views that they author represented in the text. Offer 1-2 sentences of explanation for each value statement.

  1. “The ultimate goal is to help students become literate, contributing members of society, so it is the responsibility of teachers to ensure all students maximize their potential”   (Baird, Jackson, Veenstra, Sadek, & Thibault, 2016).

In other words, the authors strongly believes that teachers are an important part of helping students become functioning members of society. It is the responsibility of the teacher to  reach all learners and prepare them for successful futures.

2.) “Research has been completed on specific interventions struggling readers receive. However, more comparisons are necessary, and we strongly believe a meta-analysis of the research on reading interventions would provide conclusive strategies for implementation” (Baird, Jackson, Veenstra, Sadek, & Thibault, 2016).

The authors feel that this topic still needs more attention in order to find the best way to increase literacy in all students. The authors feel unsure still about the effectiveness of pull-out reading intervention versus inclusion.

3.) “Effective literacy instruction involves engaging students in authentic literacy experiences to develop essential literacy skills” (Baird, Jackson, Veenstra, Sadek, & Thibault, 2016).

The authors believe that the best way to teach literacy is to make sure it is taught authentically. Strategies such as comprehension skills should be implemented during literacy instruction. These skills cannot be taught simply from workbooks.

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